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White Oak Rod & Gun Club, Inc.

Youth Shotgun Program - Public

Students 10-18 years old can register for one of three 4-week sessions. Guns. ammo, clay targets, safety training, and shooting instruction are ail provided. Students need not have any shooting or firearms experience to enjoy this class. This class is great for every young person with an interest in learning how to safely enjoy the sport of clay target shooting, from veterans who have been shooting for years to kids who have never held a gun before.

2025 Summer Shotgun Program - Coming soon

JUNE - 2025

JULY - 2025

AUGUST - 2025

All classes will be on Thursdays and will start at 6:00 PM and end at 7:30 PM. Classes will begin promptly at 6:00 PM. Please be 15 minutes early in order to ensure that you don't miss the safety training that occurs prior to each class. The classes will learn the game of Trap, one of the oldest and most popular clay target shooting sports. By the end of the 4 week session, each student will be breaking birds and having a great, safe, time doing it.

Please register for a session in which you can attend all five classes. lt is important to attend all classes in order to get the most out of the program.

Teachers are NRA certified instructors and others with many years of experience in firearms and safety training. All instructors are 100% volunteer.

This program is funded by the National Rifle Association and White Oak Rod and Gun Ciub and is available at no cost to students or parents.

Eye and ear protection is required at all times when on the range (parents and students). lf you have safety glasses and ear protection, please bring them. lf not, they will be provided at no charge. Keep in mind that the class provides in-ear foam type hearing protection (and the training on how to use them). Most young people prefer the "ear muff' type of hearing protection that can be purchased at most stores, including Home Depot or Walmart"

Email Brian Calabrase, WORGC Membership Secretary, at unity308@gmail.com to register for one of the sessions. Register as soon as possible, as these classes fill up quickly. lf, for any reason, you cannot attend the class you have registered for, let us know so that we can notify a student from the wait list to attend.

Each course is opened to the public, so please encourage your children to have their friends parents contact me as well!

Contact Brian Calabrase for registration and questions.

unity308@gmail.com or 412-417-1819

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